Monday, March 8, 2010

AAP Assignment: Camera Angles

AAP Assignment
Homework: Source for an advertisement (print or TV) and analyse the use of camera angles used in the advertisement. Decide how camera angles are used to persuade the consumers. Do so in no more than 100 words.
Youtube URL:
After watching the video several times, I picked up some camera angles used to persuade viewers of the commercial to buy their product (Pepsi). The camera angles used and their purposes are as follows:
1. Establishing shot: Shows the monastery on a high cliff. Suggests that the commercial has something to do with monks.
2. Aerial shot: Shows that the monastery is on a high place. Suggests that the main character has to climb a long way in order to reach the monastery.
3. Swish Pan shot: Shows the exchange of stares between the chief monk and the main character. Introduces tension, as viewers do not know what will happen next.
4. Medium shot: Shows the main character’s body actions. Shows that main character was struggling when he was a boy but became strong when he grew up.
5. Close-up shot: Shows the characters’ emotions. Shows the chief monk’s frustration with the main character and the disappointment of the main character as well.
6. Low-angle shot: Shows that the main character is on a high place.
7. Match cut: Shows the relation between the main character when he was a boy and a grown-up man. Suggests that the main character did not change much.
8. Tracking shot: Tracks the main character as he performed the stunts. Shows action and tension to the viewers.

In conclusion, I think that camera angles are used in commercials to help to persuade the consumers to do something. Camera angles are especially important and essential to bring across a message. Each camera angle plays a very important role in making the aim of the commercial successful.

Loo Nathanael (18) 1I1

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Naturalistic Task: Newspaper Article

Food can increase intelligence?
by Loo Nathanael

Does food really help to
increase your IQ? Should
they be consumed? Read on
to find out.

Many mothers are fretting over
their sons' performance in schools
and therefore are buying food
supplements in an attempt to enhance
their intelligence. Are these methods
really that efficacious?

According to a study by Dr. Joseph
Mercola, he concludes that the top
five foods to boost brainpower are fish
oil, organic and raw vegetables, raw
eggs, non-sugar foods and lastly,

These are just some examples
of natural supplements but with the advance
of food technology, scientists are able to
come up with products that seemingly make
our brains smarter. Some examples of these
products are Brands Essence of Chicken, Cod
Liver Oil and the list goes on and on. These
foods not only boost brainpower, but are also
made to taste good so that consumers would
eat it constantly. Thus, most of the products
should contain sugar, contrary to the study
done by Dr. Mercalo, stating that non-sugar
foods disrupt insulin levels and can lead to
diseases if there is over-consumption.

In my opinion, I feel that it is quite
impossible for food supplements to enhance
one's intelligence because if it were really
so, then there would be not much problems in
school. Even if these foods help to increase
intelligence, they can only do so by 0.01% at
the most. I have experience in Primary 6 when
it was the crucial year for me, wit the PSLE
lying in wait at the end of the year. Tests
and exams were inevitable even in January. I
was not given Brands Essence of Chicken for
my preliminaries and I have to say that I
scored better for that compared to my actual
PSLE, when I was given Brands every morning!
Not to denounce Brands, but I personally feel
that it does not help to enhance intelligence,
instead it perks me up and keeps me awake during
the tests.

If you still believe in the efficacy of
such products, I suggest that you should
leave out the food products but instead, buy
the natural supplements. This can help you
to save your money as the natural supplements
are much cheaper and are more nutritious.

In conclusion, I refute the efficacy of
food supplements to enhance intelligence but
instead, feel that nothing can be done to
increase brainpower, unless the operation in
Flowers for Algernon really comes true.

My Learner's Profile

I would like to share about the results of the multiple intelligence test that I took. My results were all very close but the visual aspect was distinctively low. Due to the unavailability to differentiate my results for the interpersonal, musical and naturalistic elements, I would have to choose a topic to do on that suits me best. I think that I am not so musically inclined as I stopped learning piano for 2-3 years already. Thus, I was left to decide between the interpersonal or the naturalistic task. Both tasks seem suitable to me but I think I enjoy to do research and writing a newspaper article more than brainstorming for a solution, so I have chosen the naturalistic task. I think that the results of the multiple intelligence test has helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses better. They are also quite accurate as I enjoy nature, teamwork and music. All in all, I enjoyed taking the test and viewing my results.

Nathanael (18) 1I1

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Current Affairs Mock Session

I would like to reflect on the current affairs mock session that we had on Friday. The topic discussed was "What makes a Singaporean?". There were 8 students in the inner circle, another 8 in the outer circle, while the remaining 9 were the audience. I was one of the audience so my job was just to listen to the discussion. I felt quite grateful that I was one of the audience as I could see that the people in the inner circle were certainly struggling with the session, as most of them seemed unprepared. Thus, I took the opportunity to learn from their mistakes so that I can perform better the next time it comes to my turn. The main topic discussed was on the government's impact on national identity, which I thought was irrelevant. As I listened on to the discussion, there were some points that I disagreed with. For example, one of the pupils said that the national monuments are what makes us Singaporeans. I totally refute this point as Singaporeans cannot and should not be compared to structures but instead to values and attitudes. Overall, the seminar influenced me that national identity is very important as it concerns our pride as a country. I hope to learn from this mock session and contribute when the floor is open, which I failed to do in this seminar.

Nathanael (18) 1I1

Friday, February 26, 2010

Composition Test

I would like to reflect how I performed for the first composition test of Secondary 1. I think that I did not do very well but am contented with my performance, although I am still awaiting the results. I did not spend much time to prepare for the test but just revised my notes and skimmed through my vocabulary list. Fortunately, I still have not forgotten some vocabulary from Primary 6, which I used in my composition. However, I had a hard time choosing which picture and phrase to write on. I also did not take a close look at the phrase and just rushed off with my planning. My story was not according to my planning as I felt that some amendments needed to be made. I was doing well in writing my composition when I caught a glimpse at the phrase. I suddenly realised that the phrase was in the present tense! I turned panicky at that moment and decided to change the verbs into past tense. Thus, this wasted some of my time and I struggled to finish the test on time, resulting in big gaps in my composition. From this test, I learned the lesson to read the question carefully and plan seriously before writing a composition. All in all, I hope to learn from my mistake and revise more for my composition.

Nathanael (18) 1I1

Star Wars

I would like to reflect on what I learned from my class discussion on Star Wars. It was definitely an interesting discussion as I discovered many things about Star Wars that I never noticed when I watched the film. I also learned that the special techniques George Lucas used to make Star Wars interesting can be applied into my composition as well. Firstly, I would like to share some of the minor yet important details of Star Wars. According to Mr. Teo, in one of the scenes, Luke Skywalker was standing on a rock in Tatooine. However, the peculiar thing was that the shadow that was cast on the ground was actually Darth Vader's shadow. This could be used to show the connection between the two characters and how they were leading the same life. Viewers cannot tell whether Luke was a good character or bad as he was enticed by the Sith many times to join the dark force. The same applied to Anakin. The only main difference was that Luke chose to walk down the right path while Darth Vader or Anakin could not resist the temptation and let hatred control his life. Another detail used to show this was the colours of the uniforms Luke and Darth Vader were wearing. Darth Vader was dressed in black throughout episodes 4 to 6. Luke was wearing white in episode 4, brown in episode 5 and black in episode 6. White portrays goodness and purity, while black represents evil. Brown was to show that Luke had contrasting feelings and was caught between the Jedi and the Sith, which grew more in episode 6. However, after Sith Palpatine was killed, Luke took out Darth Vader's mask and saw that his face was pure white, thus explaining that inner self is more important than outward appearance. Luke also wore white in the celebrations. Before the discussion, I thought that Star Wars was produced for entertainment and I did not realise the true meaning of the film. Star Wars was shot in the Cold War, which was a battle between the USA and the Soviet Union, also the democrats and the communists. The Jedi were the democrats while the Sith were the communists. It was common that the Soviets sent out people to fight the war for them, just like how the Sith hired droids to battle. However, the democrats were people of many different backgrounds and races, similar to the different characters of the Jedi, such as Kit Fisto. In conclusion, I can conclude that I benefited a lot from the discussion and will try to use some of the skills to make my composition more interesting.

Nathanael (18) 1I1

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Scarlet Ibis

I would like to share about my thoughts about the discussion my class had about The Scarlet Ibis. I learned a lot of new perspectives from the discussion and engaged in activities to help me understand the story better. Through class discussion, I learned that the scarlet ibis was a symbol that represented people like Doodle. The ibis was rare in the part of the USA that the narrator found it in, just like how Doodle was rare in his family because of his invalidity. I also understood the paradox of the narrator loving and being cruel to his brother at the same time. As brought up by one of my classmates, there is a side of love, which is pursuing of power. The lust for power over the other person makes us cruel to the other party, although we treasure them in our hearts. I have to admit that this happens to me and my family members and friends. I also completed a worksheet about the narrator's feelings of Doodle at different stages of the latter's life. We went through the worksheet by acting out the scenes in each stage. However, I felt that this activity was unable to grasp all of our attention as we were not involved in all parts of the discussion. Through the activity, I still managed to learn that the central relationship described in the story was of Doodle and his brother. They began to grow closer to each other as the other characters gradually faded away. After reading this touching story, I understood the concept of love and cruelty. I feel that I should accept others' differences and not push them beyond their limit.

Loo Nathanael (18) 1I1

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Discussion of Flowers for Algernon

After the discussion about Flowers for Algernon in class, I felt like I was exposed to the different opinions and points of view my classmates had when they read the story. I realised that they were so different from mine and taught me to view things with a broader mind-scape. This fascinating discovery urged me to reflect on the important points of the discussion and share some of the new ideas that I learned. Firstly, I did not pick out the point that Flowers for Algernon was set in New York. Although it may seem ordinary, the author has a very specific purpose of setting the story there. New York is a place where many tourists frequent, so the people there are very different from each other, be it race, religion or family background. This shows us that Frank and Joe did not accept Charlie's differences despite them living in a city with various types of people. Another point that I did not take note was that Charlie and Algernon were actually the same person. They were actually one in soul and their life experiences were almost the same. For example, Charlie and Algernon were both despised as they were a janitor and a pest respectively. When Algernon bit Charlie, I thought that Algernon's mind was digressing and that he did not recognise or want Charlie anymore. However, after listening to my classmates, I am quite convinced that this action showed the connection between the two true friends as blood flowed out of the wound. I also did not know that the realistic setting in Flowers for Algernon played a very important role in the story. In brief, it helps to bring out the theme of the story, helps to make readers believe that the story is real and helps to make them understand how the characters feel. These are just some of the points that I learned from the discussion. I hope that next time when I read a story, I can take note of these minor but important details that can mean a different thing from what I first perceived it to be.

Loo Nathanael (18) 1I!