Monday, March 8, 2010

AAP Assignment: Camera Angles

AAP Assignment
Homework: Source for an advertisement (print or TV) and analyse the use of camera angles used in the advertisement. Decide how camera angles are used to persuade the consumers. Do so in no more than 100 words.
Youtube URL:
After watching the video several times, I picked up some camera angles used to persuade viewers of the commercial to buy their product (Pepsi). The camera angles used and their purposes are as follows:
1. Establishing shot: Shows the monastery on a high cliff. Suggests that the commercial has something to do with monks.
2. Aerial shot: Shows that the monastery is on a high place. Suggests that the main character has to climb a long way in order to reach the monastery.
3. Swish Pan shot: Shows the exchange of stares between the chief monk and the main character. Introduces tension, as viewers do not know what will happen next.
4. Medium shot: Shows the main character’s body actions. Shows that main character was struggling when he was a boy but became strong when he grew up.
5. Close-up shot: Shows the characters’ emotions. Shows the chief monk’s frustration with the main character and the disappointment of the main character as well.
6. Low-angle shot: Shows that the main character is on a high place.
7. Match cut: Shows the relation between the main character when he was a boy and a grown-up man. Suggests that the main character did not change much.
8. Tracking shot: Tracks the main character as he performed the stunts. Shows action and tension to the viewers.

In conclusion, I think that camera angles are used in commercials to help to persuade the consumers to do something. Camera angles are especially important and essential to bring across a message. Each camera angle plays a very important role in making the aim of the commercial successful.

Loo Nathanael (18) 1I1

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