Wednesday, August 17, 2011



In Term 3, I learned about Geography for IH and I enjoyed learning it. The topic of pollution hit me hard and I have decided to write a post all about it: What are my takes on pollution and my suggestions to how we as people of the world can improve.

There are many different types of pollution, namely air pollution, land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. The most serious pollutions that can result in the death of humans are the first three types of pollution. Most of the causes of pollution are man-made. For example, air pollution can be caused by construction works, emission from cars and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)from household appliances like fridges. Land pollution can be caused by littering and deforestation, while water pollution can also be caused by littering, pesticide overuse and industrial emissions. The effects of pollution can be very harmful, ranging from the mild ones like inconvenience or causing irritance to those that can cause health illnesses like lung cancer and even death. Therefore, it is important that the world try to reduce the amount of pollution it is experiencing.

One thing that I do not understand is why humans are so selfish, including myself. We all know that the world is facing severe pollution, yet we ignore it and do not want to do anything to minimise the harmful effects that can occur. This is a huge irony: Men are complaining about the pollution the world is experiencing but is not only doing nothing about it, but also continuing to cause more and more pollution in the world. Therefore, I hope that every human wakes up and realises that each of us has a role to play in preserving our Earth. For example, we can start just by not littering and using household appliances that are proven to release less harmful gases. As we grow up, we can also choose to buy eco-friendly cars and hold campaigns to spread awareness about the severity of pollution. The government and various environmental organisations should also take some initiatives like banning excess emissions of harmful gases or toxic wastes and providing incentives to companies who help to reduce pollution.

In conclusion, I believe that as long as we all do our part in trying to prevent the world from getting sick of pollution, we need to WAKE UP and stop being so selfish. If we do not want to bear the harmful consequences of pollution, we need to start to do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nathanael,

    I agree with your point of view that man is a selfish creature. Pollution, as we know it is all created by men, yet we complain about it instead of taking some steps to curb the problem. After all, much evil in the world we know originated from humans themselves. Pollution, corruption, betrayal, all of them came from humans. In fact, you may deem the next statement as an extremist's view, but I feel that if the world were without humans, there would be much more harmony. Animals will not be extracted from their habitats to be killed or experimented cruelly on. The skies will remain as clear as ever. The air would be fresher than now. Trees will stand tall and firm, forever sheltering the innocent animals of the world. Yes, man has introduced evil, so much so that it slowly but surely overcomes goodness in this world.

    Yet, you say we ignore the harmful effects that pollution can bring to us. Well, I think you might have forgotten that there is still a minority of people doing the best they can for this world. Examples are those of other countries who recycle far more than they waste, those who bother to educate the nation about pollution. Well, as you know, we Singaporeans are actually quite lenient towards this matter, therefore people do not mine polluting so long as it does not hurt THEMSELVES. However, I would like to emphasise that even you have made a difference by reducing on pollution. I am sure that you have recycled at least one drink can or bottle and reused paper by writing on both sides. These small little acts may not even affect the current issue, but small efforts joint together CAN and WILL make a difference. I believe that since we, the newer generation, is more highly educated, we know the dire consequences of these incorrigible acts passed down throughout mankind's existence, therefore I believe that we ARE taking steps to change this situation.

    Therefore, let this not dishearten you, for you and I and many others have waken up. I believe that man will wake up in the face of danger, to prevent a future destroyed by the very acts that have been undesirable.

    Kai Xiang
