Sunday, August 14, 2011

MP Penny Low


During the National Day Parade, cameras caught MP Penny Low looking down at her mobile phone while everyone else was singing the National Anthem. Further controversies were made when MediaCorp censored this part when they screened the replay of the parade one day later. Therefore, many people questioned the PAP's credibility and are losing faith in the party.

In my opinion, I think that it is definitely impossible that MP Penny Low is not to blame for the incident. She looked at her mobile phone during the singing of the National Anthem, which is obviously a sign of utter disrespect to the nation. The National Anthem is supposed to be sung solemnly and with full focus on the flag. However, her actions were contrary to these customs and made herself a bad role model for younger generations. Now, younger generations can use her as an excuse to look at their mobile phones while attending lectures or when someone is talking to them. As an MP, MP Penny Low should have known that all eyes were on her. Her job was to be a leader and I am sure that many people will lose their trust in her leadership abilities after this incident. Therefore, I feel quite disappointed with her actions.

However, MP Penny Low apologized to the media one day later and gave the reason that she was too excited over the parade and decided to post her feelings on Facebook. I feel that her act of apology was good because it should be the right way to go and showed that she was willing to confess her mistake in public. I also think that MediaCorp did the right thing by censoring that part because there is absolutely no reason to show it once again on television, since she has already apologized. However, her reasons make me doubt whether her apology was really sincere. I mean, of all times, posting a Facebook post during the singing of the National Anthem? Why can't she post that afterwards? I looked at her Facebook profile and discovered that she posted a picture of the fireworks at 8.00pm. I am not so sure when the National Anthem was sung so I cannot make a final conclusion.

In my opinion, I think that this incident just another porthole that distances the relationship between PAP and the citizens of Singapore. I hope that the MPs will learn from this incident and act according to how they should behave. I also hope that the citizens of Singapore will be forgiving so that we can enjoy peace in Singapore. Anyway, National Day is supposed to be a day of celebration, so why let this small matter sour the festive mood? However, if only MP Penny Low had exercised a bit of self-control and thought before she acted, this incident would not even happen in the first place.

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