Monday, April 18, 2011

Diary Entry- Omaha Beachhead Assault

June 6, 1944

Dear Diary,

Today was a gruesome day. I have already begun going a little crazy from seeing all the blood spewing out of my fellow soldiers like little fountains at the park. I have already been immune to seeing all my friends die in pain, one by one. I have already begun to hate this war, even though this is just the beginning!

When we were about to reach Omaha beach, many people vomited while the rest looked to God for protection. As the soldiers departed from the boat, they were immediately shot by a barrage of bullets. I was fortunate to escape this wrath and swam to shore. I hid behind several barricades and led some of my soldiers up the beach. However, the death tolls increased very quickly, as we were on lower ground. I lost many friends; some lost their limbs while some died in horrible pain. I could not bear to look at their badly-wounded bodies because it was just too revolting. Finally, the day drew to a close and the remnant of our troops returned to base, all relieved but shocked.

As soon as I returned to my bunk, I asked myself, "Why do countries wage war against each other?" Looking at all the dead bodies around me, I really wonder why wars take place. Wars just take away lives like that, destroying people's dreams, breaking up people's families and ultimately increasing the death tolls. Where is humanity? I am lost with a few other soldiers in an enemy's land, although I know that my opposition feels the same way. I live in worry everyday and as soon as I wake up, I live it like it is my last. War is such a tragedy, I cannot emphasise this enough. I hate the war, but not the soldiers; the action, but not the people. I respect all those who risks their lives to fight valiantly and pray that no one dies brutally.

Captain John H. Miller

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