Sunday, May 15, 2011



I have written many essays in Term 2 and have also learned about the different types of essays and their differences. Therefore, I would like to recap about what I have learned and how they have benefited me in my life.

We learned about several types of essays and how people use it in everyday lives. For example, definition essays can be used in textbooks when explaining a term that is not commonly known. Causal analysis essays are used in history textbooks to tell us about the cause of historic events. Recipes are types of process analysis essays. Techniques of comparative analysis essays are found in advertisements when companies compare and contrast the efficiency of their products or services. Classification essays are found in science and business reports. Example essays are found in debaters' scripts, when they want to back up their point with evidence. As you can see, most of the essays are applicable in real lives and help us to achieve our goals better. This will definitely improve the quality of our lives because it aids in making communication more efficient and fluent.

I really enjoyed writing essays in Term 2 because there were many different styles of writing so I could experiment between them and discover my forte. I think I enjoyed the argumentative essay the most because it is the least dependent on facts and requires the writer to use more of his thinking skills instead. This will aid the writer in practicing critical thinking and putting one's point across. This has definitely helped me in my speeches when I am presenting because I am able to express my opinions on something convincingly, hence achieving my purpose. However, essays are not easy to write and require hard work and a talent for writing. No matter how well I write, I cannot seem to match those high-profile writers who write for newspapers and renowned magazines. I think that they are willing to spend time to perfect their essays because of their passion for writing. I believe that they have their own unique styles of writing that are appealing to the general public and I hope to learn from them someday so as to pick up some interesting techniques on writing essays.

All in all, I really benefited from writing essays in Term 2 and hope to continue to improve on this aspect of my Language Arts so that I can be able to become a critical thinker and a good writer.


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