Thursday, February 10, 2011

Childhood Memories


I would like to share my childhood experiences when I read about Scout's experiences in the book "To Kill A Mockingbird".

I find that every child is very innocent and I think that the way the author portrays Scout is very true and realistic. For example, Scout does not know the true meaning of marriage and gets engaged to Dill at a very young age. This reminds me of how I used to cheer my kindergarten classmate on as he proposed to a girl from our class. I did not really understand the concept of marriage then and thought that it was a very simple and happy occasion that one can plan anytime he/she wants to. Scout also had very creative imagination, just like me when I was young. However, instead of playing 'Pretend' like Scout and imitating other people, my favourite childhood pastime was to come up with very weird stories including monsters under the bed. Although this often gave me nightmares, I loved to exchange stories with my sister or my friends. As a child, Scout was also very defensive and never thought anything as her fault. Once, Ms Caroline Fisher showed her disapproval for being able to read in Year 1, causing Scout to hate Calpurnia for teaching her how to read. I remember an incident when I accidentally kicked a ball too high, knocking over a family photo and damaging the photo frame. Although my parents politely asked what had happened, I became defiant and blamed the wind for blowing my ball too high. I was just too stubborn at that time to acknowledge my mistake.

I think that every child is as innocent, stubborn and creative as Scout and I was, but the things that all of us do in our childhood is what makes every child distinct. I really enjoyed the times that I had and I really feel like travelling back in time to where there were no worries in life other than wearing my diapers. I really hope that every child in the world will treasure this precious span of time and make the fullest use of every second.



  1. I agree with your last paragraph. One's childhood is indeed very important. Many children have very fun childhood, especially when we play with friends of different genders and races. Therefore, I treasure my childhoood a lot and I feel that everyone should do so.


  2. Hey Nat,

    I couldn't help laughing at the part which you stated that your friend proposed to a girl. I never had such an experience in my childhood! xD

    However, besides that, I also do agree with your last paragraph. An individual's childhood does play a great role in the well-being of the child. It also affects how the individual thinks when he grows up! I did enjoy my childhood a lot, and since I treasured it, it has caused me to treasure my teenage life just as well. Like right now, I'm loving every minute and every second of my secondary school life! :D

    Raphael (:
